February 13, 2006

Apostle of Hustle, The Social, Toronto, 2 February 2006

Posted in bootleg, mp3 at 1:07 pm by rgsc

While I missed a few good concerts in Kingston the first week of this month, I was able to attend the filmCAN fundraiser held at The Social, Toronto, featuring Dave MacKinnon (FemBots) and Apostle of Hustle. I had never heard of filmCAN before (it is a very interesting online magazine about/for the Canadian film industry. See the current issue for an article on Gus van Sant’s “Last Days” and an interview with David Cronenberg, to name just two pieces) but I am always up for live music and going out for charity gives me that added bonus of a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

I missed the better part of MacKinnon’s set, but caught the last few songs which were much more stripped down and immediate than the FemBots version but every bit as good. The Apostle of Hustle part of the show was also very good. It was the first time I had seen Andrew Whiteman on his own and I thought it was and excellent show, even if he twice forgot the lyrics to his songs (which was…kinda strange). Two covers were played (Metric’s Hustle Rose and The Rat by Walkmen), stuff from “Folkloric Feel” and three unrecorded songs. Check out Idiosynk for pics and a video of the last two minutes of the Metric cover.

Just so you are forewarned, the small bar was packed and were quite chatty so there is a horrible amount of background noise on this recording in parts. Why do people insist on talking through the ENTIRE show, especially when they are really close to the stage where you might expect to find people who are actually interested in listening? I’ll never understand that one. Thanks to the folks over at the AoH broken telephone forum for helping me with the songs titles of the unrealeased stuff (lemme know if I got any of them wrong). As usual, all files are on rapidshare with the complete show zipped at the end UPDATE: The individual files have been uploaded.

Apostle of Hustle, The Social (filmCAN Fundraiser), Toronto, 2 February 2006

1) Energy of Death.mp3 (4 MB)

2) Hustle Rose (Metric cover).mp3 (7.26 MB)

3) National Anthem of Nowhere.mp3 (4.23 MB)

4) Rafaga.mp3 (4.93 MB)

5) talk.mp3 

6) The Rat (Walkmen cover).mp3 (4.07 MB)

7) Animal Fat.mp3 (3.84 MB)

8) tuning & Conan talk.mp3
9) Sebastien.mp3 (2.99 MB)
10) encore talk & forgotten lyrics.mp3
11) Baby You’re in Luck.mp3 (3.49 MB)

9) Apostle of Hustle – The Social – 2 Feb 2006 – complete.zip (38.6 MB)


  1. geoffm said,

    hey man,

    thanks for posting this! (i’m one of the filmCAN dudes that was throwing the party.) i just caught on to your blog a few days ago… awesome stuff! keep it up.


  2. rgsc said,

    Hey Geoff,
    Thanks for the compliment and for organizing the show – it was great (except for the talking, damn people were chatty) and seemed to be quite a successfull fundraiser (I hope you made tons of cash for filmCAN). I wish I could have seen more of the MacKinnon set but I was otherwise engaged…at a taping of AirFarce at the CBC building – mildly amusing but not as good as the FemBots.

  3. JR said,

    Is it possible to rehost Nation Anthem of Nowhere? The rapidshare link expired.

    Many thanks.

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